Deals for Cinnamon Roll Murder (Hannah Swensen Mysteries)

Cinnamon Roll Murder (Hannah Swensen Mysteries)
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Here are some of the great features of Cinnamon Roll Murder (Hannah Swensen Mysteries)

, With the Cinnamon Roll Six jazz band heading toward Lake Eden for the Weekend Jazz Festival, Hannah Swensen is more than happy to bake up a generous supply of their namesake confections. But tragedy strikes when the band's tour bus overturns on its way into town. Among those injured is Buddy Neiman, the band's beloved keyboard player. At first, Buddy's injuries appear minor, until his condition suddenly takes a turn for the worse--as in dead. Hannah's no doctor, but she suspects that the surgical scissors jutting out of Buddy's chest may have something to do with it.

Turns out Buddy Neiman isn't the victim's real name. In fact, no one is really sure who he is, or what secrets may be lurking in his past. Hannah isn't sure just how she'll unravel this mystery, but there's nothing sweeter than bringing a killer to justice. . .

"Joanne Fluke is the doyenne of deadly desserts with her deliciously popular Hannah Swensen series." --Publishers Weekly

"Fans will be eagerly awaiting the next installment." --Booklist ...

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